Zzzzzz....Wakey Wakey Hands off Snakey!

07/11/2012 21:32

I keep falling asleep. I think Fi does too, she's been upstairs silent for hours. It's incredible how much energy this procedure has taken out of me. I'll not lie, I've been intoxicated for periods of more than 24 hours before. At festivals I've even been known to get drunk twice in 2 days, ahem... So, 24 hours of sleeping shouldn't be hammering my stamina like this surely? 

I'm so far from being fit and well it's scary. My mouth feels like it's not making progress. It's raw, sore and the front of my face is bigger than it was 4 days ago. My speech is impared by the fact my lips aren't moving properly. I need to be patient, I can vaguely remember these feelings last time, when they cut out the tumour. If you know me, you know I'm rediculously impatient, I just don't like waiting for things to happen. I don't do 'queues' really, especially when I'm driving. I think the next few days are going to be emotionally tough if I don't feel significant improvements happening. 

I'm getting some progress with my leg. It's weird though, because it feels like my foot is loose on the end of my leg. I can feel the fact I'm missing my fibula and the foot is not as strong. I've got pretty good bone structure, so I'm used to having feet that face the front, not flat footed and out to the side. My left foot now feels like it's going to be flat. Obviously, it's far too esrly to be making such statements as facts, but that's how it feels. I still can't feel the bottom of my foot either, totally dead to touch. My heel is OK and there's some sensation in my toes, but nothing in the middle. I'm bearing more weight than before for sure, and I"m getting more confidence to move on it. I have to stretch my calf muscle so i can stand straight with my heel on the floor, or I'll be limping permanently. It's getting better, slowly slowly. I doubt I'll ever play football again though, it's going to take a lot of confidence to pull on footy socks and take a kick in it. 

Not heard from the district nurse today. She was supposed to call to arrange removing the stitches from my neck on Friday. I'll be pleased to get them out, they're irritating and starting to get inflamed. Call me please nursey if you're reading this! The rubbish thing is that my doctors in Bristol haven't got time to take out the stitches. Fi called on Tuesday to book me in on Friday and they couldn't do them until Wednesday next week (8 days from the call), when I'm in London back at Royal Marsden for the staples out of my leg. Useless, I mean, all i need is a nurse for 10 minutes and they have to be removed. Southville Surgery, you never fail to disappoint. Try recruiting some staff so you can handle your clients with the timely respect they deserve.

I want an ice cream. Where's my beautiful lady when I need her? Probably avoiding my rediculous demands, she's totally served my again today. Weetabix, Chai, Cottage pie, Chai, drugs, more drugs etc. She's an angel, but I want an ICE CREAM!!!! 

Shall I bang my crutch on the ceiling and see if that's deemed an appropriate method of gaining her attention? I know the answer, but I"m going to do it anyway... :)

One Love








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza