We can’t be broken by darkness because we have light in abundance.....x

06/05/2013 21:49


Hi stranger,

Well, I’ve been less prolific on these chronicles over the past couple of weeks. Interesting that, in this time of self imposed mania that I’m not writing more. I guess my tiny mind running at capacity has left no space for creative scripture.

I’m hoping my next couple of weeks will see the intensity subside as the work patterns form some sort of routine and consistency. Consistency is something my life hasn’t had in it since leaving my job in October, I’ve literally been all over the place, geographically, emotionally and physically for over 6 months and despite a feeling of freedom and inner peace that I’ve not felt since the late 90’s travelling around the beaches of Asia, the process of trying to create this brave new world is clearly finally starting to take its toll.

This weekend has been beautifully timed in its sunny, loving delight. After a few hours of graft and final preparations on Saturday, the Bank Holiday has been one of serious social therapy. I love the sunshine; it just brings out the best in people and brings people at their best, together.

We’ve been in the park all day today celebrating Fi’s birthday (and her twin brothers, obviously) with family and friends and football and fizz. I took myself off for a few minutes and sat watching the group dynamics. Thinking about how we’ll fit in with the boys in tow and feeling a supreme confidence that this group of people who spanned 3 generations will always be there for us if we need help.  Along with the less local, but totally crucial extended family and friends that span pretty much every continent, we’re well looked after all told. It hit me today that it’ll all be just fine, whatever happens with the new businesses, the economy and even if UKIP manage to win a real election and everyone around us is becoming Daily Mail wielding Neo-Nazi Ultras, love will prevail in this home, within this community and with us all in our hearts.

We can’t be broken by darkness because we have light in abundance. Our 2 beaming rays of light will always drive out the darkness because they now are everything I need to always keep fighting the fight and dreaming the dream.

One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza