The Caravan of Love - Cancer can't touch this wagon.

20/03/2014 21:58

Hello everyone. 

Apologies for the 5 week break in proceedings. I've been without inspiration to write, a block of some kind. Time is not my friend right now and I always feel like I need a little privacy when I'm putting words to this site. 

How have I been? Thankyou for asking. Largely good, smattered with a little angst and a disproportionate amount of illness passing between man, woman and 2 little childs (yes, I know childs isn’t a real word). 

We have new teeth. Not me, Felix and Rudy are chomping at the bit, although as I write this I should actually be in hospital undergoing the closure of my hole. I cancelled the operation because when I found out the date I freaked out and spent 3 days in a state of disarray. 13 days is not enough notice for me to agree not to talk for 14 days, hence the cancellation and the massive sense of relief. 

This isn't what brings me to write today though. 2014 for me, has been pretty tidy so far. Business is good, bar a few old wounds refusing to heal. Home life is really beautiful. Self-belief is stable (which is pretty high, lets face it). I'm writing though because the spectre of cancer is everywhere. Barely a waking hour goes by when one of my friends or associates, or just good folk seem to be feeling the overbearing weight that this rotten affliction brings. 

I'm writing to reach out and spread a little of my Caravan of Love. Cancer can't touch this wagon, because we all need a place where we're safe from the darkness that lurks and threatens us. It might have already spread its fatal seed, or thrown a dangerous curve ball at you or your loved ones, but in the words of a very young Norman Cook (and his Housemartins)

“Every woman every man, join the caravan of love, (stand up) stand up stand up. Every body take a stand, join the caravan of love, (stand up) stand up stand up “

It just feels to me like there’s a big need for support and love in the world right now. On my own, I’m only a man, but my arms are outstretched and I’m sending out love from my caravans’ heart. Be kind to one another, look out for each other, please give it up for yourselves, your brothers and your sisters. We are only imortal when we hold on tight as if our lives depend on it. 

Let’s live in a world of peace, think freely, let love flow from your chosen living and beating mobile housing. We gotta ‘Be Nice’ and we gotta always remember that the battle against this beast is won and lost in our minds. Our minds are stronger together than all alone, or in conflict with one another or one's self.

One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza