Superheroes are immortal aren’t they?.....x

13/07/2013 19:48

Hey sun lovers, 

I've been quiet this week on here. Busy and pre-occupied with all sorts. Mostly though I've been putting some more thought to my post from Sunday, which touched on religion. I've noted the very muted responses, so I'm guessing not everyone is comfortable, or agreeable to my way of thinking. That's kinda the point of this website, it's not designed be something you always find affinity with, just something that represents me and my way of living..

So, I've been thinking about immortality and the best route to it. Bearing in mind I believe in evolution, and therefore by definition, I don't really think there's a fluffy cloud with my own harp player, or a burning chamber of eternal misery waiting for me, I'll have to find immortality without the old faithful method (A God, or Godlike character). 

My own experiences have taught me that my physical mortality is fragile and can be ended at any time. I've been lucky so far, but as they say 'there are 3 guarantees in life; 'you'll pay tax, you'll die, you'll be taxed on your death'. A tad macabre, but the fact remains that I’ll not live in a physical sense forever. Immortality then, can only be maintained in death.

If immortality is a legacy effect, I have choices. Act to feed only the short life I have left, or act to provide for the greater good. So, I could be selfish, earn a load of money, whatever the detrimental effect on other people, the planet, the Universe. Or, I can try to instil some values that contribute towards a better Universe.

I’m going for the latter option hopefully. But how? Well, is there any point in preaching to mum and dad, granny and granddad? Life choices have been made, opinions have been formed and all the preaching in the world is up against a lot of resistance from ignorance, greed and selfishness that is already deep rooted. I have 2 little guys though that I can work with. If Felix and Rudy can grow up in an environment of loving, sharing, emotional wealth and free thinking, maybe my immortality can be carried twofold into the next generation and the generation after that.

If I can inspire them through the basics and the tough times, fill them full of aspirations and ambition and above everything, give them hope, always hope that doing the right thing will help them prosper in every way, then they can be the vehicle of my immortality, as their offspring can be theirs.

If I can become a Superhero in the eyes of my boys, then I’ll be immortal forever in my own mind. Superheroes are immortal aren’t they?

One Love








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza