Sunday Sermon XI - "The Church of BigDaddyJezza"

07/07/2013 22:07

Happy Summertime...

With it being Sunday and all, I thought that if I was ever going to touch upon religion on this site, it makes sense to do so on a Sunday. 

As I write this I realise that it's not a good idea. In my quest for total honesty as my commitment to this blog, and my very conscious understanding that you span many different faiths, religions, cultures and countries, I will struggle to put into words how I really feel about the spirituality I feel and live by. I'm already heading into dangerous waters, probably I should stop...

Well, I'm rolling now, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I don't understand how war, genocide, murder, rape, paedophilia, greed, corruption, human sacrifice, homophobia, racism or incest can be attributed to ones ‘faith’. I can see how they’d be attributed to one another in many ways. Why would anyone maintain any faith in a regime that tolerates the rape of children, but excludes people because they’re gay? How does Scientology have such a mass following based upon what is essentially a Sci-Fi story, written by a man dependant on prescription anti-psychotics? I'm at a loss as to how the legal age for consent in The Vatican is lower than it is in the rest of the world because of the enforcement of the Zanardelli Code, making it legal to have sex with 12 year olds (actually, I’m not at a loss, but feel it's obvious enough why this is the case without expanding any further myself). 

At it’s core, just about all religion is supposed to represent kindness, peace, love and integrity from what I can understand. This I can get my head around. The power of love, a voice from above, I can dig that.

I have a sense of spirit. I’m totally down with there being more to my being than the mass of slowly deteriorating cells that form my 6’ 3” frame. I guess I have my own set of beliefs and moral codes that I’ve not yet formed my own set of universal teachings from. ‘The Church of BigDaddyJezza’ would hold only one philosophy:

“Be Nice - We don’t need a temple or a book to quote from, hide behind or misinterpret. We can’t corrupt these 2 simple words with greed and unkindness. Just be nice, be kind, do the right thing”

This is as far as I dare travel down the road with this subject. Keep it unreal everyone...

One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza