Sunday Sermon VIII - "Nothing else matters...."

02/06/2013 22:13

What a difference a little sleep makes..

So, despite a thoroughly wholesome weekend of family, sunshine, food and frankly, a ridiculous amount of nappies, the cracks started to appear last night.

I guess that even my body, accustomed as it is to sleepless nights, needs a few hours to maintain a calm demeanour. Last night pretty much consisted of very little shuteye, I saw the sun come up, which wasn’t quite as amazing as it is sitting in the Stone Circle as Glastonbury, or out across the Indian Ocean from Little Vagator beach in Goa, after a night of starry eyed love and dancing. It was more akin to that moment of clarity you get after tossing and turning all night, because you’re worrying about the job interview the next day. You need 8 hours, because you have to nail the presentation, but the more you need to sleep, the less you are able. Then the sun comes up and it’s evident you’ll be working purely on adrenalin, your wits, caffeine and a whatever charm offensive you can muster.

So, the mood was a little fractious. The rose tinted specs lost a lens (or 2). The smell of baby poo was suddenly rather unpleasant. We bickered a little.

We’re strong, Fi & I. Headstrong too. We’re somewhere between ‘forming’ and ‘storming’ right now on the Tuckman’s Group Development Model. You’ve probably never heard of it, it takes this general shape; ‘Forming’ – Where the group is created. ‘Storming’ – Where the group jostles for position, establishing itself, the individuals staking their claims in the hierarchy. ‘Norming’ – Is where goals are clearly defined, responsibilities are clearer and it’s the point where the team recognises that to be stronger than the individuals within it, the individuals must relax, trust and work with each other. ‘Performing’ – This is the ideal, some teams breakdown, or continue on, never hitting the heady heights of its potential. We will, we’ll learn how to excel at our new roles. We’ll keep talking, sharing, caring and daring to be the best we can be. We have no choice but to offer more, as a team. Because our juniors need to witness best practice, they have to be inspired by our beautiful, unbeatable best. As Metallica once said; “Nothing else matters…”

Have a wonderful week reader, may the sun continue to shine on your soul....

One love

Jez (and Team JAFARAF)






twitter: @bigdaddyjezza