My 24 hours as a single parent....x

01/09/2013 19:32

What a weekend...

Being a father is ever more rewarding. This weekend I’ve been a single dad to 14 week old twins. Kinda, just for 24 hours, but it has been some adventure. 

After what can only be described as a full tempo week, taking in 3 major cities, a night in a pimp hotel, a booze cull because of a need to focus on the job at hand, hiring, firing, event booking and whatever else this new master of no trades is poking his nose into, I sit here on Sunday afternoon feeling blessed, totally and utterly blissed out. 

So, mummy had a serious day of hen clucking and hen night strutting to attend. Daddy was wholly in charge of the gaggle for 24 hours. We fed, we shit, we slept. We dropped mummy off at the hotel, we went to the kite festival and we were far too young to figure out what was going on. We went for a picnic in the park, well, chips and milk and nappy refreshing. We took the buggy on an adventure, making a few stops along the way to refuel. Then a little social with good people who I haven't seen for a while. We took a slow walk home through the park in the dark and took in the view from the highest height, over the rooftops, whilst I almost had a heart attack after taking on the evil shortcut up the hill in Victoria Park. We staggered home downhill almost too delirious to hold onto the buggy as it willed me to let it career off down the park towards certain danger. We were home. We pulled out the sofa and made it into out bed for the night and flicked on the TV just in time for MOTD. The next thing I knew it was 3am and mummy was fumbling with her key in the lock and then pretending not to be tipsy (we knew better though mummy, but we knew you deserved to let your hair down) before tottering off to bed upstairs. Pierre joined us and we were all a kip on the sofabed, the O’Neill Boys Club, a secret club, a circle of unbreakable trust, the lions pride. A few feeds, a few hours of sleep and a whole lot of Sunday morning laughter later and I'd managed to complete 24 hours as a single parent. 

It wasn't harder than I thought it would be. But, it was one of the best 24 hours of my life, a moment in time that I know I’ll never forget. We talked about all sorts of stuff. Mostly nonsense forgotten as quickly as it was babbled. But, we talked more about one thing than anything else and it was probably the only coherent chat we had. We repeated often how proud of mummy we are and how much we love her. Ok, I did the talking, but we were all in agreement. These boys are such wonderfully happy souls, always smiling, a real testament to the beautiful life they have, thanks mummy.

One Love

The O’Neill Boys Club








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza