Every Precious Moment, thank you Royal Marsden...x

19/06/2013 11:16

Reality check..

Just had a reality check. I'm working from home this morning, giving mum a little R&R, hanging out with the boys and the TV is on in the background. There's a feature on Royal Marsden hospital. Peter Andre is on the screen, his brother passed away a couple of weeks after I left that very same ward, arriving home feeling sorry for myself. 

Watching this I realise now how lucky I am. Sure I had cancer, sure I'm still in pain pretty much constantly and my voice is barely audible to the untrained ear. But, I'm here and I'm enjoying life and I'm able to spend this morning with my new born family. I'm cherishing every precious moment, because this could never have happened if it wasn't for the NHS trust, the sheer brilliance of my consultants and most recently, the totally amazing support that I've experienced with the Royal Marsden and the whole team who have had to put up with me.

Cancer, so say Breakthrough Breast Cancer, will affect almost 1 in 2 of us by 2020. It's on the increase in UK. It's something that we have to accept is part of the fabric of our very being, it's something we're inherently frightened to death of. We don’t like to talk about it, we don’t dare think about what it’ll be like to get it. We smoke, we drink, we grow ever more obese as a nation, encouraging it to destroy us.

This moment, right now, has given me a little wake up call. I want to be healthy and mobile enough to be the best dad I can be. I need to stop hiding behind a sore toe and go get some exercise before I balloon in size and dangle the carrot of temptation to Mr Diabetes or my old nemesis, the big ‘C’.

The sun is shining, I’m off to the park to shake my gammy leg. I’m off to the park, full of the knowledge that I’m one of the lucky ones. As are you. Let’s cherish every precious moment.

One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza