Don’t let them judge you on what they dictate you should be judged on...

01/02/2014 23:31

Something sickening is holding us back…

There's a dark force that is poisoning the fabric of humanity. Greed of the 1% driving chaotic media into the masses that's full of bogey stories, the idea that hate should be encouraged whilst the people we've chosen to lead us continue to strip our basic human rights and feed their greedy mouths with our dignity. 

Something we should know is that nothing matters other than oneness, unity and belief in our instinctive capacity to help and support one another. You see, the 99% of us will always stop to pick up someone who has fallen, someone who needs us. We're not the 1%, not the black cored self gratifying cartel of 'leaders' and 'corporate giants' that control our senses. 

Strength comes from belief. If we allow Cameron, Milliband, Clegg, Farage, Murdoch or whoever to believe they have control of our minds with their vile selfish actions, they'll continue to rape us of our ability to believe in us, we, the people. We have love, we have more strength if we can simply agree that we can’t look these bastards in the eyes and honesty say we trust them to do right by us. We, the 99% have the 4 Aces, but unless we play the hand to it’s full potential we’ll always believe that someone else is holding the Royal Flush.

I’m digging deep, deeper than I’ve ever been, inside my being and into my soul and I’m not going to be held back by the social conditions that have been designed to stifle my ability to think freely and achieve my dreams. I refuse to endorse the fascist regime and if you join me, right now, we can all be geniuses together and we can all find who we are and why we’re here.

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it’s ability to climb a tree it will live it’s life feeling stupid” – Albert Einstein.

It matters not what they tell you that you are, how you are labelled by society. The 1% want you to believe you are nothing more than ordinary at best, it suits them to kill your aspirations and make you focus on things that only make them stronger. Don’t let them judge you on what they dictate you should be judged on. Believe in yourself and believe in me, because I believe in you. We have love and love is all we need….

One Love









twitter: @bigdaddyjezza