There is always hope. Always....x

21/03/2013 14:38


There is always hope. Always.

In your most dark and seemingly desperate moments, there’s always hope. Despite the facts and the biology that surround certain realities, hope is something that we have, a uniqueness of humanity that can’t be quashed. I wonder why we live in hope of the impossible at times.

It’s because without hope there’s always darkness. And without darkness hope wouldn’t exist. They’re intrinsically linked to each other like Sunlight and Shadow, one simply feeds the other and the other defines one.

So, when you can see nothing but the bleak, stark clouds, there’s always a ray of light, a silver lining I guess. That’s hope, it often relies on the unknown and the improbable. I, for one, fall back on hope as my safety net more than I’d like too. When the darkness descends, be it the cancer spectre, the financial frighteners, or global injustice, there’s always the improbable beam just keeping my head from imploding.

Being told I’d be lucky to see my 30th birthday, when I was 29, would have totally broken my head, and consequentially, my whole being if I’d not clung onto the hope that I’d be defying the odds and believed the hype that hope offered my tiny, frightened little brain.

When you're facing the darkness, look for the light because there is always hope. Always. 

One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza