Ska, High Jinks and Frivolity....

08/02/2013 16:53


Well, today is my Birthday...

I'm 39 years old today. Odd when I say it out loud like that. This is my last birthday as a non-parent. This is the last birthday of my 30's. I am extremely grateful to be sitting here at this age. 

10 years ago, almost to the day, I found a lump in my mouth, a lump that would change my life and my aspirations and my whole sense of being. I haven't shared my 'Pizza saved my life' story with you, and it suppose it'd be more poignant to do so on 12th Feb, as this will mark precisely the day, 10 years on, that I found the tumour on the roof of my mouth. So, I'll park that for a few days.

39 is a big number. I love it though, because it's 9 more than a lot of experts said I'd ever see. I really appreciate the numbers increasing every year, so I guess that's one positive affect facing the your own mortality and getting another shot at the title has given me. It's similar to the way I don't wish my life away 4 days a week and tear it up for the other 3 to escape the grim reality that is my life. So, 39 is a good number!!

How will I celebrate this moment in time, this moment ne'er to be repeated? Good times with some of the dearest people in my life hopefully. the best of friends have just arrived from Holland, a rather tidy Ska band's album launch and some Hendricks gin, tonic and cucumber. All of which should combine to create a memorable evening of high jinks and frivolity...

The only missing component will be Fi. She's beyond the ability to handle a jumping crowd and a drunken loud Jez, so she's holing up at home with other peoples babies whilst the parents and parents to be enjoy the party spirit. I love Fi's attitude. Rather than be bitter that other people are having fun, she's just dropped a random act of kindness so they can be free to enjoy themselves. 'Be Nice' personified. That's my girl...

I must go and wash my balls and pluck my ears. Tis but once a year I shed a skin and skin number 38 is making way for a rather tidy looking number 39 tonight. I wonder how tidy it'll look by tomorrow morning!? :)

One Love








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza