One Lump or Two? .... x

23/03/2013 19:33


Hi there me lovelies...

What's occurin' in Jezland? Well, rather annoyingly I've had to book an appointment to go and see the guys at Royal Marsden on Monday morning. There's a lump on my new palate. Freakishly, it's in exactly the same place as the tumour was 10 years ago, although this time, the teeth aren't real and the tissue isn't from my mouth, its from my leg. And, there's no salivary gland for an Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma to take hold of and multiply its poison from. 

Bottom line is that there's an ulcerated lump in my mouth, right on the site where the tumour was and as much as I like to think I'm laterally minded, it's freaking me out. I know it can't be cancer again, certainly not the ACC, because it's grown in a matter of days and I suspect it's only ulcerated because I've been chewing on it without realising because I can't feel pain in the donor tissue because there are no nerves in it. It looks like it'd be really hurting if i could feel pain, but if I could feel pain I probably wouldn't have done so much damage to it because I'd have been careful. 

There's some damage though, which is concerning because it was looking good last week when I met with Mr. K and Francesco. Now it has something that looks like a piece of chewed up chewing gum sticking out of it. Rational me says it's merely a flesh wound, irrational me says "Arghhhh!!!!!" 

But, there's always hope. Always. 

I'm hoping its completely heals up and disappears before I get to the train station on Monday morning. I'm hoping there's nothing sketchy happening in the flap, irrespective of cancer, that means I'm going to have further complications. I'm hoping I don't freak out tonight when I'm trying to go to sleep and short-change my sleep pattern for what is pretty obviously nothing to worry about. 

Other than that life is pretty tidy. Bar the fact that my supply chain is evermore useless. This week I've had no end of problems from suppliers who can't seemingly perform their most basic services. Literally, as bad as a fish and chip shop with no fryers. I've been drawn into showing said suppliers how to produce their own products, to try to save face with my clients. Maintaining a Zen like existence has been tricky to say the least. 

"Be Nice" and "I had cancer, cancer didn't have me" have been on repeat in my head for the past couple of days. Stick with the programme Jezza, the problems all have solutions, be part of the solution, not the guy who repeatedly vocalises the problems... 

One Love








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza