"I had cancer, cancer didn't have me.."

30/01/2013 19:00


On the Groove Train..

Final leg of the tour is heading to the bright lights of Londres to watch a little footy and most likely ‘unwind’ a tad after a mad few days that Phileas Fogg would have struggled to keep up with.


This old groove train must be 50 years young. It’s got wooden trim and it looks like a bumper car from the outside. Smooth though, better than one of those horrible Cross Country heaps, they don’t make ‘em like they used too…


My week should take a decidedly more leisurely pace from hereon in despite a couple of meetings in London tomorrow. The peace and quiet of Liverpool St station will be welcome. So where am I at? Still talking funny, still walking funny, but less conscious of both. Swagger is probably a couple of weeks away, but the shoulders are back and the head is up. I’m proud of me again, kinda feel reinforced after a wave of appreciation. It has been many moons since I’ve felt like I’ve left a crowd of hyped up peers in my blazing DeLorean’s trail. Warm people, warm hearts and faith in the big man. All essential ingredients in the grand old restoration of Jezza project…


So, my thoughts have been with how I make my working life more attuned to my the universal balance I’m so keen to achieve.  I’ve nudged Bristol Drug Project to remind them of my application to volunteer for them. I’ve coined a great phrase too that is going to take me into offering my time and love to a cancer charity (whichever one will entertain my musings). “I had cancer, cancer didn’t have me.” I’m not sure if I made this up, or if I read it somewhere and then made it up with subconscious will, but I love it.


I can take a real vibe from these 7 words, write something to deliver to a group, throw belief at people with more gusto, just generally live the words as they’re written. Childish yet poignant. Arrogant yet vulnerable. Jez yet Jez.


“I had cancer, cancer didn’t have me…” Love it..


One Love







twitter: @bigdaddyjezza