A reaction to the greed of the West, or a greedy Western reaction. What's the difference...?

15/04/2013 21:08


Hi all

I write with sadness. Just watching the breaking news about bombs exploding in Boston, MA. Bombs positioned to maim and kill people who are running to raise funds charities working all over the world. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to murder, but I really feel confused as to why the mindless killing of people who are clearly involved in something globally positive and non-political such as a marathon would be deemed in anyway just. 

I understand 9/11. I understand the deep-rooted hatred of the west that has been partially created by the west and also by haters and militants. Attacking the World Trade Centre has an element of the obvious about it. Just to be clear, I have no sympathy for those who poison the minds of innocent, vulnerable people and create these evil attacks. Either terrorist attacks, the invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan or any other money, oil or drug motivated war crime wrapped up and sold to the public as an act of national defence. That doesn't mean I don't understand why the US and UK are targets for hate. But, marathon runners/charity fundraisers?

I just can't stop thinking that I have to get this message spread wider and wider that we must try to trust and 'Be Nice' to each other. What does it matter what colour skin, what ethnic origin, which religion? Nothing can justify the vile racism, xenophobia and hate crimes we see all over the world. Islam is a peaceful faith, so why do so many people fear it so? Christianity is a peaceful faith, so why do we assume it's so evil? Judaism is a peaceful faith, so why does it have a reputation for violence and greed? 

The media, the national curriculum, the government, the Illuminati. At their core, GREED. This tiny minority of greedy, corrupt, sycophantic haters. All with one common goal, to serve themselves. Money, is pretty much at the core of all of these atrocities. Whether it’s a reaction to the west’s greed, or a greedy western reaction. What's the difference?

No-one wins a war. No-one benefits from families being torn apart, from murder. Bottom line is that many more innocent people are likely to die now because of this situation. Whether or not it’s an inside job, it’ll be used as an excuse to justify another attack, probably on Syria, or Iran, or wherever else offers the US and UK more money, more oil, more opium, more whatever commodity the few will prosper from for making the decision to rape and pillage more innocents.

Spread the word. WE REFUSE TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TYPE OF MURDER. We refuse to endorse war, terrorism or any other form of inhumanity. We are the lovers, we aren’t the fighters. We just want people to ‘Be Nice’ to each other. Please.

This is dedicated to the innocent. 

“One Love, One Heart. Let’s get together and feel alright….”

One Love,








twitter: @bigdaddyjezza